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5 Reasons why righteousness by faith is the most important bible belief

I was studying the bible this morning the book Christ our righteousness by AG Daniells quotes from Ellen g White and it said that Martin Luther feared to have this topic eliminated in the futur . why righteousness by faith is the most important bible belief


That once a christian forgets and abandons righteousness by faith, then they only have left to rely on their own works. What is righteousness by faith it is receiving Jesus power to do good as there is no good in humans .

Which is scary as Paul says once we rely on works we are separated from Jesus . We make ourselves as gods and good people and we make the cross of Jesus of none effect . 1888 message righteousness by faith is realizing that we are all sinners with nothing good inside us . Let us find out the five reasons . why righteousness by faith is the most important bible belief

1 Righteousness by faith Without it we are left on relying on our works

Without Jesus righteousness the only thing that remains is trusting in your own works. But we know that humans cannot do anything good . Our best works are

IS 64 6 But we are all as an unclean thing and all our righteousnesss are as filthy rags and we do all fade as a leaf and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away

The problem with modern christianity is that most think they are good and there is something good inside them .

Righteousness by faith is believing and coming to the conclusion that men has nothing good in himself .. Jesus said

JN 15 5 I am the vine you are the branches He that abides in Me , and I in him , the same brings forth much fruit for without Me you can do nothing .

In fact legalism is when one thinks that he can do things without Jesus the which is impossible . why righteousness by faith is the most important bible belief


PS 14 3 They are all gone aside they are all together become filthy , there is none that does good, no not one

The bible clearly says there is not one good person on earth . 1888 message righteousness by faith is first realizing that we cannot do good and our good deeds without

Jesus are tainted with sin . Unless we have Jesus power of Jesus righteousness all that is left is our own works. These will never have us bring us inside the gates of the holy city

2 Righteousness by faith Our works do not save

Works do not save us, the law doe snot save us . The law can point us to sin but the law or obeying the law does not save us . Doing things does not save . Not obeying will have us be disobedient , yet the works are done by Jesus not ourselves.

But the law or obeying doe snot make you a good person .Nobody becomes good by obeying, being good is a state of being and either we are good or we are evil . Yet as all humans are evil then no human is good . why righteousness by faith is the most important bible belief

No matter how much they obey they cannot become good by obedience, thus the only solution is that someone else who is good gives us a power called righteousness by faith to have us be good . This power is called righteousness by faith . Our works do not save us . We cannot be saved without works but our works are not of ourselves, our works comes from God . There in an incredible peace from knowing that . That

1 All humans are evil

2 Humans cannot be saved through works

3 Works does not make someone righteouss

4 Only God is good and has the remedy


3 Righteousness by faith We make ourselves gods and good people

The 1888 message righteousness by faith needs to be spread all over the world, This is the message that eclipses all other messages . When someone and they do not need to be christians there are plenty of atheists legalists who think that by obeying things and rules they become good persons .

When someone thinks that by obedience they reach righteousness they are saying that

1 They do not need God

2 They have divinity

3 The cross of Jesus was worthless

Nobody is God there is only one God who is good . To the young rich men Jesus said

LK 19 18 Why do you call Me good, there is none good but God

Then Jesus tells him to obey the commandments. Yet in the whole bible we find out that men cannot obey from his own strength . When Jesus says obey the commandments it means the work of men is to chose .

We have the power of choice to chose God or Satan to chose evolution or creation, to chose to try to save ourselves or let God give us his why righteousness by faith is the most important bible belief Unless we have God work in us and ask Him everyday Father God please put your robe of righteousness on me, then we think we are gods, we think we are good , we think that we do not need

God, we think that we are here to impress God by showing Him how good we are . All these things are lies . What is righteousness by faith ? It is in laying the glory of men into the dust and showing us how corrupt we are and how precious and holy God is .

4 Righteousness by faith We are separated from Jesus

We are separated from Jesus when we think that we can do things to gain heaven . 1888 message righteousness by faith was given by AT Jones and Waggoner these books need to be read often and studies fully and deeply . Then our christian life will be totally different and much happier and peaceful . And we will be able to gain an entrance in heaven .

When we think that we can gain heaven by ourselves we make Jesus of none effect and the cross of Jesus useless . As the cross of Jesus would be worthless if you could gain heaven by your works . Then no remission of sins would be worth anything .

GA 5 4 Christ is become of none effect unto you , whosoever you are justified by the law you are fallen from grace. why righteousness by faith is the most important bible belief

This is a serious warning in the bible that those who think they can save themselves by works are separated from Jesus . What is righteousness by faith it is realizing humans are worthless in doing good even the world leaders, the best pastors, the best missionaries . And only God has the solution . Unless we ask Jesus for this solution, righteousnes by faith we ar eleft with trying to gain heaven by works.


5 Righteousness by faith We will not enter heaven with legalism

When someone believes they they are good, that they have works that will impress God and help them enter heaven They are making themselves gods and we know that there is only one God. It is pride, it is very offensive for God , it is lying to God , it is a protest for human worship and it is a protest against the cross of Jesus .

No one that believes such things can enter heaven . They make God a liar. And we have seen all over the bible that the proud will be destroyed.. Either we give glory to God or we worship ourselves . Legalists worship themselves, they think humans are good and holy . It reminds me of he story of Moses and the three rebelious they said

NU 16 3 Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy , every one of them .

This is the legalist lie that humans are good ? God had to destroy them Korah, Dathan, Abiram as the real issue was Is God speaking through Moses . They refused that God was speaking through Moses as they worshiped humans and believed themselves to e good . Righteousness by faith is worshiping God and not men why righteousness by faith is the most important bible belief

Very interesting is that when Moses tole Korah Dathan biram to come next day to see who was called by God . These three men were so deceived and knew so little about right and wrong and lies and truth that they came thinking that God would favour them . The power of deception is incredible and we need to be careful into worshipping humans that are dust .

1888 message righteousness by faith is the AT Jones and Waggoner message that is the healing for a legalist church . Repeat after me . Father God forgive me that i have thought myself to be good and holy why righteousness by faith is the most important bible belief

i pray that you give me your righteousness everyday and that you do good through me . I ask that i may have a daily experience with You . Provide for all my needs heal me give me the desires of my heart according to your will in the name of Jesus amen

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